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Friday 13 January 2017

Movie Review - The Collector

The Collector


The Cast

What you have here is a high-tension psychological thriller with horrific scenes and not a horror film as labelled.  This is based in the real world and not that of the supernatural or paranormal.  Though there is an air of dread throughout the film, which is very palpable at exactly the right times, thanks to the great direction.  So horror fans would love this film also.

This is the story of a thief, with a heart and conscience, agreeably portrayed by Josh Stewert (who I hadn't rated as a good actor before this film), and his mission to steal for his wife to help get her out of trouble, as regular work doesn't make enough money.  The only trouble for Arkin is that a psychopath has also marked the family, but for a more grisly reason.

This is an underrated and largely missed film though I would highly recommend this if you like edge-of-your-seat tension as the director, Marcus Dunstan, does a splendid job building the tension from the moment Arkin breaks into the house, right to the end of the film.  Not once does the tension falter or drop, unless the story dictates it.

All of the actors are above average and do a great job of adding power to the film, though there are times I would like have had a little more building of the Chase family just so you cared a little more about what happens to them.  Though to keep it to the one and a half hour runtime the writers, Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan, do a good job of making the Chase family come out as "Normal" though.

The one and only drawback to the whole movie, and the reason for the low score is The Collectors traps.  These are ingenious and deadly by conception and utilisation.  But just by their design, there wouldn't have been any way to set all the traps without the house-holders knowledge.  Should they have been constructed and set after he had caught the family, then there wouldn't have been enough time before Arkin arrived.  This is the one continuity error that perturbs me the most.

I would recommend this to anyone who likes action and does not mind a more than a little gore, to at least watch once.  This is the second time I've viewed this and enjoyed it more the second time around.

I give this tortuous collection an 8.25 out of 10.

The Trailer

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